

- Bitter things
- Mint
- Unnecessary confrontations
- Dentists
- Being alone
- Dolphins
- Most people / humanity as a whole


- Her "Beloved"
- Cute things
- Sakura mochi
- Lavender
- Knives
- Fruit
- Small & docile animals
- Matching stuff
- Horror movies, especially slashers
JUST REDESIGNED HER!!! Have to draw it more, I'll add the up to date drawings soon!!
(Made with a lovely IRL friend!!!)
A bubbly and social girl who is very normal and fine!

To everyone else, Ayumi is the typical sweet, popular girl. Being the school's matchmaker, she's the first person to come to for a wingwoman and love advice! She's charismatic and a social butterfly, always lending a hand or just hanging out whenever she has free time. She can say a few odd things, but it's always taken playfully or jokingly because she says it so freely and casually, often saying something cute afterwards. Ayumi? Hurting someone? No, no, you must be thinking of a different person! Afterall, she's so cutesy and clueless!

In reality, her charisma and charm is an advantage. While she does enjoy cutesy and bubbly things, her interests and work contrast this. Ayumi is manipulative and obsessive, getting jealous very easily and often twisting the truth to suit her needs and wants. She's extremely possesive of those she takes a liking to, doing everything in her power to keep them to herself. Ayumi doesn't fall in love often, but when she does, she falls hard. She's very observing and will keep notes and tabs both her current "beloved" or anyone who is crushing on her "beloved". Has very little morals when it comes to harming others, having no issue with manipulating, hurting, or in some cases, killing people that get in her way. She doesn't actually care much for others, even while being social and enthusiastic. She's just looking for something to do most of the time. She could really care less for most people, not considering anyone an actual friend, but rather a nuisance or just...someone who hangs around her. She's only a "matchmaker" for her own entertainment, and the idea of love fascinates her.

Thinks this is true, passionate love! She's obsessed with the idea of true love, hating the idea of being alone forever (even while hating or being annoyed with everyone) and fantasizing, daydreaming, and planning out her idea of "love". Her idea/feeling of love is more of an obsession and fantasizing more than anything.
Name: Ayumi
Nickname: Yumi, Mimi, Bunny, Angel
Species: Human
Age: 15
D.O.B: March 15th
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Status: Alive
Height: 5'6
Job/occupation: Sometimes works quick and easy jobs
Disorders, illnesses, etc?: .
Love interest: (Not yet designed!)
Pet(s): She says she’s too busy to have a pet, but would love to have a rabbit
Fears: Being alone forever


Click here to move


Music that reminds me of her!

- Tonight You Belong to me [Patience & Prude]

- Pacify Her [Melanie Martinez]

- Can't Take My Eyes off You [Frankie Valli]

- 好き好き大好き (Suki Suki Daisuki) [Jun Togawa]

- You're Mine [Phantogram]

- Starstruck [The Scary Jokes]


Nothing here yet, characters still need to be made! Check back another time.


2022 Artfight attack by VISCERALL!!!

2022 Artfight attack by Baestner_Rainbow!!!

Get rid of this whenever with the X, but you'll need to refresh the page if you want it back!
- Sends anonymous love letters at least once a week

- Had a creepypasta phase (probably still in it)

- Likes to wear perfume. Almost always smells like strawberries, cinnamon, or lavender

- Likes to make those little origami paper stars. Writes little wishes and dreams of her and her “lover” inside them and then puts them in a jar

- Random knowledge of the occult, likes to bring it up in conversation and make people uncomfortable

- Associate with pastel gore but I havent actually drawn gore. I should do that

- Her heart locket (which I always forget to draw) has a picture of her crush

- Design was loosely based of Sylveon! Or just...general vibe...