An An upbeat and hyper scene kid with a constant source of energy! Life of the party and is constantly trying to get her friends to join the chaos. Acts on impulse and often gets in trouble for it (if caught). Very extroverted, having no trouble starting a conversation with someone about anything and everything. Very carefree and out-there, not caring much about being judged. Always wants to be doing something or keeping himself entertained or he swears he'd die from boredom.

He thinks that if he had nothing to do he would just nap all day. Whether it’s playing games, pranking others, talking with friends, or just mindlessly scrolling on her phone, she’s always doing something. She can be a bit stubborn, but means well. He's a bit clumsy, especially with how impuslive he can be. Very nosy, as well, easily entertained by people watching or listening in to gossip.
Adores cats more than life itself. Huge conspiracy nut and love love
loves learning about cryptics.